Friday, November 19, 2010

Outrage over majority votes-did Bristol deserve to move forward?

It is amazing to me that a television show like Dancing with the Stars is leading he headlines on major news networks. Even more amazing is the fact that it is over a popularity contest between celebrities.

Let me say, this is the first season I have paid any attention to this program in any way. It seems rather simple to me. The judges give scores based on skill, America votes based on who they love to watch. the premise is that these celebrities are not dancers. The instructors work with them and teach them to float across the floor, kick like they are on Broadway and contort their bodies with professional grace. They goal is that they will improve week after week. But truly, it is a popularity contest.

Bristol has done a great job and she has worked hard. But consider this...

If God be for us, who can be against us? Can God use an unwed mother in the public eye? Is God big enough to grant favor to Bristol to increase her platform?

Have you ever prayed for the favor of God before you went to a job interview? Or maybe when facing a difficult situation? I have, and sometimes I can see the miraculous way that He provides preferred treatment as a result.

The Palin family are Christians. Before politics, before reality shows, before becoming a teen mom, Bristol Palin was raised to trust in Jesus Christ. She has a personal relationship with Christ and her family and friends are, no doubt, praying for her constantly.

Is she perfect? No. Is she forgiven? If she has repented of her sin and asked for God's grace and forgiveness then she is certainly forgiven. So, she is a daughter of the most high God! I don't know the religious background of any of the other contestants. They don't express their beliefs publicly...but I do know that when we trust God, good things happen in our life. We are always so busy dwelling on the negative and the suffering of Christians, that we don't often give God the Glory for blessings in the lives of His people.

Maybe Dancing with the Stars success is not your idea of a blessing. For Bristol, I’m sure it must be. But what about you? Where do you want to see the favor of God in your life?

As John and I went through a tough time recently, I was praying for the situation and for his heart to change. Nothing seemed to happen. Then, I began to pray for God to give me favor in the eyes of my husband. WOW! Things instantaneously began to turn around. It was amazing to watch the immediate and powerful results of that prayer. God granted favor.

In the grand scheme of life, winning a dance contest, being on a reality show, or even a successful run for political office doesn’t matter, unless we are following God’s plan for our life. I don’t know what God's plan is for the Palins, but I do know that they have not been shy about their faith. Bottom line…what’cha see is what’cha get. Let’s celebrate with them as they look on their daughter with parental pride. And, let’s learn from their willingness to publically acknowledge their faith in Jesus Christ. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me!

Here’s to praying for the Palin family as they try to make a difference in our world. A difference based on family and values and Biblical truth. Not perfect, but walking steadfast daily in the knowledge that Jesus Christ and His grace are sufficient for us.

What are your thoughts?

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Faith in the Fog

As my personal assistant, Melissa, and I drove to Omaha the other day we were surrounded by intermitent rainstorms and fog. Cresting a hill out of a drizzling rain, we were ushered immediately into a thick fog bank. Drivers around us pulled to the side, some stopping, some slowing to a crawl. I slowed slightly but continued, knowing that over the next hill the road would likely be clear. The 18-wheeler next to me pushed forward at the normal speed limit and as we came to the end of that valley, just as I had expected, the fog became thinner and at the top of the next hill was a memory in our rear view mirror.

Our walk of faith is often like that foggy highway. We continue our forward pace when the road is clear. But, when we can't see God's plan clearly, we hault. Sometimes our walk is slowed, but sometimes we stop completely, still sadder, some of us turn around and go back to the roads we knew before.

It's funny that we have faith that the highway is still there, even when the fog keeps it out of our site, yet we doubt the presence of God in our lives just because we aren't seeing Him clearly.

He is still there, still going before us. His plan is still in place. Move forward in your faith, even on days filled with fog.  Deuteronomy 31:8 says, "The LORD is the one who goes ahead of you; He will be with you. He will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed." (NASB)

He is there, even in the fog. He knows the road better than we do. He created it for us. He will make our path straight no matter what we are going through.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not lean to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your paths straight. (NASB)

Prayer: Dear Lord, Let us trust you even in the fog. When we can't see Your plan clearly, let our faith push us forward to continue the race for Your glory. Take the burden of blindness from our spiritual eyes. Let us acknowledge your presence in our lives and hearts each day. In Jesus name. Amen.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Lessons From Beagles

It is a gorgeous, sunny open...would be nice if the beagles weren't so talkative today...but I guess they are happy it's a sunny day too. Many people love to hear the yelp of a beagle. I admit it is a nice sound sometimes...when they are hunting...but not so much when 9 of them are talking to one another.

These dogs are well cared for, even though they really serve no purpose. They are not companions, as they are all outdoor dogs. They are not guard dogs, they are not hunters. But, Fred loves them, He feeds them, waters them, and cares for them everyday. He makes sure their immunizations are up to date, gives them the preventative treatments recommended by veternarians for things like heartworms and calls each of them by name. (although a few of them have the same nick name) He doesn’t care that they aren’t of champion lines, or that some of them aren’t even very smart. He loves them unconditionally – and they love him.

As I watched him load the weekly supply of 50 pound bags of dog feed from his pick-up, I thought of all the work he puts into these dogs. It made me think of the way God loves us. Unconditionally…and all we have to do in return is love Him. He doesn’t ask us to be anything that we are not. He cares for us and protects us every day, as long as we stay in His will.

Fred has lost a couple of dogs because they dug out of their pen or broke their chain. It breaks his heart for one of his dogs to run into danger and be hurt. Each time he has to say goodbye to a dog that has run blindly onto the highway, not understanding the danger when they leave their pen, he hurts deeply.

Oh how it must hurt the Lord when we run away from His presence, just to chase something that caught our eye…a rabbit or a butterfly is all it takes to lead a dog from safety, sometimes it is less than that for us.

The beagles are quiet now, they will shout with excitement in a few hours when Fred heads to their kennels and pens with buckets of dog food and water.

How often do we express our excitement when our Master comes to feed us? The Bible says if we don't praise Him the rocks will cry out. I wonder if rocks sound like beagles? I don't think I want to find out.