Thursday, November 19, 2009

One Door and Only One

I have a weekly meeting that attend in the same location each Monday. Recently I arrived to find that the location had been changed due to a scheduling mix up. The new occupants of our meeting room pointed me in the general direction of my meeting and I went to find my crew. I walked the halls of the building trying every door with no success. After searching for about 40 minutes I was about to give up, I decided to try one more time. As I walked the first floor, a security guard walking in front of me abrubtly stopped and faced the wall. The wall slid open and he went in. I hurried to where he had been standing and there it was. An elevator, painted in such a way that it was completely camouflaged with the wall. I pushed the button and waited for the car to arrive. In minutes I was with my group, who had been wondering where I could be. I still have know idea where the stairway to that floor was hidden.

Some people go around trying every spiritual door, finding them locked or finding the wrong group occupying the room. Jesus said knock and the door will be opened unto you. Seek and you will find. The door is right there but so often people walk right past it. I might have never found my group if someone else would not have used the elevator, but because he led me there by example, without even knowing I was watching, I was able to find the way. Who are you being an example to without knowing? Who is going to follow your path out of desperation, hoping it might be the way? ©Pamela Sonnenmoser Ministries

1 comment:

  1. You have such a unique way of pulling spiritual truths from everyday experiences. Sure hope you begin to get more followers who can be encouraged by your tidbits of insight.
